Full Potential Consulting

Massachusetts Special Education Law Declares:

It is hereby declared to be a paramount goal of the Commonwealth to provide a public education to all children … including a school age child with a disability….the opportunity to reach their full potential and to lead lives as participants in the political and social life of the commonwealth and as contributors to its economy.  Mass.Gen.Laws c. 69 sec. 1(emphasis added)

Ensuring that All Students Reach Their Full Potential:

Full Potential Consulting  is dedicated to providing Special Education Advocacy and consulting services to students with disabilities and their families in Massachusetts.  It provides a tailored, student-centered approach to advocacy, while successfully working in a collaborative manner.

The first step is a Comprehensive Records Review.   Full Potential reviews student records in depth and recommends any follow-up or additional testing.

Full Potential also offers its clients a Network of Resources to find various outside resources, professionals and consultants including neuropsychologists,  college planners, speech and language therapists, special education attorneys, audiologists and behavioral optometrists.

Full Potential ensures that students make Effective Progress as required by Massachusetts and Federal law.  It provides parents and guardians comprehensive support to ensure their children progresses effectively in their school.  All areas of a student’s development are considered — academic, social, emotional and behavioral.

Full Potential specializes in Transition Planning, which begins in the teenage years and continues until the student graduates or turns 22 years old.   Transition planning requires specialized evaluations of a student’s abilities and needs in preparation for post-secondary education, vocation and, to the extent practical, independent living.


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